Life Coaching
Coaching is a modern method to increase personal performances. Talking to a coach we can learn how to look at reality using a different pair of glasses, from a differen point of view. We learn how to maximize our potentialto reach our goals either as individuals or in a couple. We offer to meet a certified ACC coach in ICF, International Coach Federation and Equus Coach.

Antistress Weekend
We offer the tools to detect stress and to come out from the anxiogenous spiral.
We propose tools like NonViolent Communication (NVC), Laugther Yoga and the contact with horses.
The natural enviroment and getting in touch to our own feelings and needs together with the bio-feedback of the horses will allow a continuos monitoring of your self centering.
3Our Offer
Workshops will start on saturday morning and end on sunday evening. We suggest to choose the two weekends offer.
4Why we are unique
We have being practicing coaching for many years now and that allows us to deeply understand needs and expectations.
The entire Giovanni’s life path guarantees the possibility to face any kind of enterprise or multinational company as well as professionals and individuals or couples who feel the need to improve his/her/their potentiality.
The two professionals have the support of a special team that really make the big difference, the herd of horses.