Why horses?
A horse’s inherent gentle nature, curiosity, and desire to work within a herd or community will cause a horse to seek connection, even with people.
Yet unlike most adults who have been socially trained to form judgments and think in terms of “right and wrong,” horses only reflect the truth of the present moment. Therefore, they will consistently mirror back to a person the variations of the ripple effect their inner dialog is having on them and others in their surrounding environment.
Horses are remarkable for their ability to give clear, direct and rapid bio-feedback. This feedback enables the student to deepen their awareness of themselves.
With a 1000+ pound, highly sensitive animal that cannot be coaxed or coerced, both positive and negative communication patterns very quickly become apparent!
The way we do anything is the way we tend to do everything. Clients often think they will witness a unique or surprising side of themselves while trying to interact with a horse. What we have found, however, is that when people are excited, confused, scared, frustrated or yearning for acceptance, they typically have the same reaction and use the same life coping tools in all situations. So while they think they are simply interacting with a horse, facilitation helps them identify communication patterns that play out in their friendships, with their intimate partner, or with colleagues at work. As a result, working with horses can shine a spotlight on the key factors preventing clients from forming genuine connections to others and also from establishing a better connection to their own inner truth.